Friday, 3 June 2011

Diagnostic Question # 3

Have you already made a concrete commitment to pursue a course of action or lifestyle that definitely excludes your partner?

My answer
This answer is a little harder to write. The author in this case provides some good what is and isn't considered to be leaving which really helped me sort through what action (or inaction as is the case with me). If you are looking at rentals, but don't actually rent one for example, then this isn't considered concrete.

Quick take
If you look like you're leaving your relationship and act like you're leaving it, you're leaving it. You know best.

My prognosis
In this case I would say that although I have an active imagination and can look at various aspects of leaving, I haven't made any concrete commitment to pursue a course of action or lifestyle that excludes my partner. So I would say that at the moment, it doesn't appear as though my concious or sub-concious things I should be leaving this relationship.  

1 comment:

Kel O'Brien said...

This one right here hit home with me. Months before my ex and I split up I decided we should separate the budgt back into two different sides depending on how much we each earned and depending on our individual debts. All of this while we shared a joint bank account. Now I can see that it was just another part of me separating my life from him as much as I could without splitting the bank accounts again. I was definitely ready to leave the relationship for a long time in advance.